
The process of cornea transplantation
December 30, 2019


When will vision improve after corneal fixation? Conical?

Causes of keratoconus Symptoms of keratoconus How can keratoconus be diagnosed? treatment Post-cone keratoplasty What is the best place to perform corneal fixation? Conical? When will vision improve after corneal fixation? Conical?
يختلف علاج المصابين بالقرنية المخروطية بحسب درجة الانبعاج - (أرشيفية)
WhatsApp Image 2019-12-01 at 5.01.20 PM

Dr. Ahmed gomaa

Dr. Ahmed gomaa is a consultant ophthalmologist Director of Al-Hussein University Hospital and Member of the Egyptian Society of Ophthalmology Fellow of the International Council of Ophthalmology Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology at the head of the best ophthalmologists in Egypt and the Arab world
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